Guess the 4 Letter word.. Girls misuse it

Guess the 4 Letter word..

Girls misuse it
Models sell it
Photographers cage it
Vehicles have it, while motorcyles & bicyles don't have it
Letters have it
Doctors advice it
Death freezes it.

What is it?

HINT: '4 letter word.. Every human has it.
Ends with the 25th letter in the alphabet.

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Answer is "BODY"

Girls misuse it if they give it up too easily.
Models sell it by posing for pictures.
Photographers cage it by enclosing it in the photo frame.
A car has a body called a chassis, cycles do not.
The body of a letter is the main part.
Doctors give you advice on how to take care of your body.
And Death causes it to stop moving, or freezes it.