Investment Ideas!


Investment Ideas!

If you purchased Rs1,00,000 of Delta Airlines stock 1 year ago, you would have Rs 4,900 today.

If you purchased Rs1,00,000 of AIG stock 1 year ago, you would have Rs 3,300 today.

If you purchased Rs1,00,000 of Lehman Brothers stock 1 year ago, you would have Rs 0.0 today.

But, if you purchased Rs1,00,000 worth of beer 1 year ago, drank all the beer, returned the aluminum cans for a recycling refund, you would have Rs. 21,400/- !!!

Imagine, the above said returns is just an addition on top of all the entertainment you got by drinking beer (which is not accountable in terms of money).

Think Smart!!
Drink Beer

Cheers..!! ๐Ÿท●