Can you figure out a way to have everyone escape in time?

Here is an awesome riddle :
Form this in your mind:
Taking an internship in an remote mountain lab, might not have been the best idea.
Pulling that lever with the skull symbol Just to see what it did, probably wasn't so smart ,either,
but now is not the time for regrets because you need to get away from these mutant zombies fast. 😈😈🏃🏃🏃🏃.
With you are the janitor, the lab assistant and old professor.
You have gotten a headstart, but there is only one way to safety: across an old bridge spanning a massive gorge. You can dash across in a minute, while lab assistant takes two minutes.
The janitor us a bit slower and needs five minutes and the professor takes a whole ten minutes holding onto the ropes every step of the bridge.
By the professors caculations, the zombies will catch up to you in just over 17 minutes.
So you have only that much time to get everyone across and cut the ropes.
Unfortunately, the bridge can only hold two people at a time.
To make matters worse, it is dark out that you can barely see, and the old lantern you grabbed on your way only illuminates a small area.
Can you figure out a way to have everyone escape in time?????

Remember: No more than 2 people can cross the bridge together, anyone crossing must hold the lantern or stay right next to it, and any of you can safely wait in the dark on either side of gorge💀💀💀.
Most importantly, everyone must be safely across before the zombies arrive.
Otherwise, the first zombie could step on the bridge while people are still on it.
Finally, there are no tricks to use here: You can not swing across🏃, use the bridge as a raft or befriend the zombie👻👻👻

Whatsapp Puzzle Submitted by Yajat Kumar using the Submit a Puzzle Feature of the Site.

Click here for Answer

First You will cross the bridge with the Lab Assistant. So it takes 2 Minutes.
Lab Assistant will Come Back with the Lantern. So 2 Minutes.
Then Professor will cross the bridge with the Janitor. So it takes 10 Minutes.
You will come back with the lantern. So it takes 1 Minute.
Then You will cross the bridge with the Lab Assistant. So it takes 2 Minutes.
So Total it will take 2+2+10+1+2 = 17 Minutes.
So you can now cut the Ropes of the Bridge and be safe from the Mutant Zombies.