Find the Country Names Whatsapp Quiz


Find the Country Names Whatsapp Emoticons Quiz

Find the Country Names
Find the Country Names from the given whatsapp Emoticons / Emojis / Smileys / Symbols and give your answers in the comments.

Find the Country names 😜
1. ✉R
2. 👍✅
3. 🅾🐺
4. 🌊 🌊
5. Ne🍼
6. 💯🔥6⃣🅱ℹ🅰
7. Ja🍳
8. 🌱🚐
9. 📯🌽
10. Ku⚪
11. 👄Ya
12. 🎲🅰
Let's c kaun intelligent hai

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New Country Name Puzzle : Name the Country

Answers to Find the Country Names whatsapp Quiz