Find the words that end with OO

OO this one looks like fun.
Find the words that end with OO

1. Improper or implausible to society
2. Inuit abode
3. Popular online search engine
4. Park like area where animals are kept on display
5. Boxing marsupial
6. Australian musical instrument
7. Decisive final defeat
8. Indelible body marking
9. Tree like grass having woody stem
10. A religion involving worship of the dead
11. A cowboy or broncobuster
12. A musical toy banned during cricket matches
13. Large crested parrot
14. A noisy attention getting demonstration
15. An African antelope
16. A dog breed
17. Object of fear, a bogey
18. Rush off somewhere in a hurry
19. Rugby team from New Zealand
20. Movement to shame sexual predators in the workplace
21. Extravagant publicity or fuss

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1. Taboo
2. Igloo
3. Yahoo
4. Zoo
5. Kangaroo
6. Didgeridoo
7. Waterloo
8. Tattoo
9. Bamboo
10. Voodoo
11. Buckaroo
12. Kazoo
13. Cockatoo
14. Ballyhoo
15. Koodoo
16. Cockapoo
17. Bugaboo
18. Skidoo
19. Mooloo
20. #Metoo
21. Ballyhoo