The Avatars of Lord Vishnu


The Avatars of Lord Vishnu

1) Rescue the first human from a great deluge
2) Help churn the ocean during the war between Gods & demons
3) Retrieve the earth from primordial waters and slay the demon Hiranyaksha
4) Defend his greatest devotee from his demonic tyrant father
5) Send a demon king with disproportionate powers to the netherworld
6) Roam the earth 21 times to destroy the warrior class
7) Destroy a ten - headed demon king who has defeated the king of Gods
8) God of agriculture, teaches demigod Bheema to wield the mace
9) Slayer of evil and charioteer of demigod Arjuna in the Great Mahabharata War
10) Destroyer of Filth, and impending avatar that will appear at the end of Kaliyug


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1) Rescue the first human from a great deluge - MATSYA
2) Help churn the ocean during the war between Gods & demons - KURMA
3) Retrieve the earth from primordial waters and slay the demon Hiranyaksha - VARAHA
4) Defend his greatest devotee from his demonic tyrant father - NARASIMHA
5) Send a demon king with disproportionate powers to the netherworld - VAMANA
6) Roam the earth 21 times to destroy the warrior class - PARASHURAMA
7) Destroy a ten - headed demon king who has defeated the king of Gods - RAMA
8) God of agriculture, teaches demigod Bheema to wield the mace - BALARAMA
9) Slayer of evil and charioteer of demigod Arjuna in the Great Mahabharata War - KRISHNA
10) Destroyer of Filth, and impending avatar that will appear at the end of Kaliyug - KALKI