Use my clues to figure out words containing MM

M & M's anyone? ( Vocabulary brush up)
Use my clues to figure out words containing MM
1. A punctuation mark
2. Regular trip to and from office
3. Resistant to infection
4. Huge, large
5. Drop sharply and suddenly
6. Hanging bed
7. Greek letter
8. To be expected, standard
9. State of uncertainty
10. A hand tool
11. Rounded knob at the tip of a sword
12. Pungent gas H &N
13. Hesitating ( speech disorder)
14. Unpleasantly cold and humid
15. Authoritative order
16. Weak and tremulous light
17. Not subject to death
18. A trick or device intended to attract attention.

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1. Comma
2. Commute
3. Immune
4. Immense
5. Plummet
6. Hammock
7. Gamma
8. Common
9. Dilemma
10. Hammer
11. Pommel
12. Ammonia
13. Stammer
14. Clammy
15. Command
16. Shimmer
17. Immortality
18. Gimmick