Guess Ramayana Characters


Guess Ramayana Characters

Guess Ramayana Characters

Guess Ramayana Characters from the given Whatsapp Emojis, Emoticons, Smileys, Symbols and give your answers in the comments.

Guess Ramayana Characters (you have to give exact names):

1) 🎾 ➕ i

2) R ➕ 🍋

3) 🏃🏼➕ ❌ ➕ 🗝

4) 🐄 ➕ 🐚 + ya

5) ✌🏼 ➕ B + 🌞

6) 👹 👹 👹 👹 👹 👹 👹 👹 👹 👹

7) 🏃🏼 ➕ 👆🏼

8) 🍷➕ ✌🏼 ➕ 🐜

9) 👍🏽 ➕ S ➕ 👱🏽

10) 🎂 ➕ 👁

Another Challenge for the group ...

Share with your family and friends and see if they have all the answers !

Click here for Answer

1. Bali
2. Ram
3. Janaki
4. Kaushalya
5. Vibhishan
6. Dashanan/Ravan
7. Jatayu
8. Jambavant
9. Laxman
10. Kaikeyi