The answers contain the letters CAN

Words that CAN
The answers contain the letters CAN.

1. Empty, having no furniture or inhabitants. ____________
2. An action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong and causing general public outrage. ______________
3. A narrow boat with pointed ends, propelled by paddles. _____________
4. Truthful; straightforward: frank. __________
5. A brown nut with an edible kernel. ________
6. A cylinder block of wax with a wick. __________
7. To decide or announce that an event will not take place. _____________
8. A strong course cloth used for sails, tents, or paintings. ________________

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Answers :
1. Vacant
2. Scandal
3. Canoe
4. Candid
5. Pecan
6. Candle
7. Cancel
8. Canvas