Banana Banana Banana Puzzle


Banana Banana Banana Puzzle

Banana Banana Banana Puzzle

Bananas + Bananas + Bananas = 60
Bananas + Pineapple(cherry) + Pineapple(cherry) = 40
Pineapple(cherry) + Oranges + Oranges = 26
Pineapple(cherry) + Oranges - Cherry = 14
Bananas(cherry) + Pineapple(cherry) x Oranges = ?

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Answer : 68

Explanation From 1st line we get, 2 Bananas = 20
From 2nd line we get, Pineapple(2 cherries) = 10
From 3rd line we get, 2 Oranges = 8
From 4th line we get, 2 cherries = 4
So we now know that,
Banana = 10, Pineapple = 6, Orange = 4, Cherry = 2
So now we want to know,
3 Bananas(1 cherry) + Pineapple x 1.5 Orange = ?
(3(10)+2) + 6 x 1.5(4) = 32 + 6 x 6 = 32 + 36 = 68

Hence the answer is 68.