Guess the famous people

Guess the famous people Guess the famous people / personalities / persons of the world

Guess the famous people / personalities / persons of the world

If you can identify or guess 5 people, you are ok.
if you guess 10, you are good
if you guess more than 15, you are a knowledgeable person.

Share with your family and friends and see how many persons can you identify.

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Answer :
Genghis Khan
Abraham Lincoln
Nelson Mandela
Mohammad Ali
Princess Diana
Elvis Presley
Albert Einstein
Michael Jordan
Mechael Jackson
Adolf Hitler
Mahatma Gandhi
Charlie Chaplin
Gautam Buddha
Dalai Lama
Bruce Lee
Bob Marley
Amelia Earhart
Steve Jobs
Aung San Suu Kyi
Marilyn Monroe
William Shakespeare
The Beatles
Vladimir Lenin
John F Kennedy
Martin Luther King Jr
Julius Caesar
Ernesto Che Guevara
Ludwig van Beethoven
Isaac Newton
Benjamin Franklin
Saddam Hussein
Mao Zedong
Anne Frank
Lawrence of Arabia
Joseph Stalin
... Comment the other answers not given here.