Scientists serve as puns


Scientists serve as puns

Eg. 1. WATT is love

1. _ is love
2. Baby don't _ me
3. No _
4. Chemistry is such a _
5. Is this all _
6. Last _ night we danced on tabletops
7. _ speaking, lightning doesn't strike twice in the same place
8. Enough pushups. Do a _
9. I'm going to teach you to ride a Harley like a _
10. I read the news in the evening _
11. Marry him. He's a _
12. If you need to talk, I _
13. Bartender, one _ Lamborghini
14. He writes a fortnightly science _
15. A scarlet _ veiled her hair

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Answer :
1. Watt
2. Hertz
3. Morse
4. Bohr
5. Fermi
6. Faraday
7. Franklin
8. Planck
9. Bose
10. Edison
11. Kepler
12. Ampere
13. Fleming
14. Coulomb
15. Kirchhoff