7 Shirts in a row puzzle

Find the order of shirts from left to right
using the clues given below.
the shirt colours are -
purple, red, blue, yellow, brown, orange, and green.
1. The Yellow Shirt is not by the Orange Shirt.
2. The two colors that start with "b" are not next to each other.
3. The Red Shirt is directly between two of the colors with a second letter of "r".
4. The Orange Shirt is the second to the left.
5. The Blue Shirt is next to the Orange Shirt.
6. Either the red, purple, or both are somewhere to the right of the Brown Shirt.
7. The Yellow Shirt is next to the Green Shirt.
8. The Green Shirt is 2 Shirts away from the Orange Shirt (1 in between).
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Answer :The order of the shirts is,
Blue, Orange, Red, Green, Yellow, Brown, Purple