Ball Clock Shuttlecock puzzle


Ball Clock Shuttlecock puzzle

ball clock shuttlecock puzzle

Ball + Ball + Ball = 12
Clock + Clock + Ball = 10
Shuttlecock + Clock + Ball = 17
Ball + Shuttlecock x Clock = ?

who can solve it ?

Kadak salute to who so ever solves this correctly ๐Ÿฅฐ

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Click here for Answer

Answer : 104

Explanation :
From 1, Ball = 4,
using in 2, clock = 3,
using these values, shuttlecock = 10
Now by using these values and solving,
we get ball = 4, shuttlecock = 20 (2nos) and clock = 5(since time is 5),
so, 4 + 20 x 5 = 4 + 100 = 104