Find two words that are opposites of each other

Within the "nonsensical" word you would find two words that are opposites of each other.

1) wfateirer
2) grsokuynd
3) rpoiochr
4) frbeoiezle
5) ppenecinl
6) wmaomnan
7) ldaigfrkt
8) ounvderer
9) cdilreatny
10) riwrgohngt

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1) wfateirer - water & fire
2) grsokuynd - ground & sky
3) rpoiochr - rich & poor
4) frbeoiezle - freeze & boil
5) ppenecinl - pen & pencil
6) wmaomnan - woman & man
7) ldaigrhkt - light & dark
8) ounvderer - over & under
9) cdilreatny - clean & dirty
10) riwrgohngt - right & wrong