Boy Bread Tea Puzzle


Boy Bread Tea Puzzle

Boy Bread Tea Puzzle

Boy + Boy + Boy = 75
Tea + Tea + Tea = 30
Bread + Bread + Bread = 18
Bread + Boy x Tea = ?

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Click here for Answer

Answer is 198

Explanation :
From eq 2, we get,
Tea = 10
From eq 3, we get,
Bread(3qty) = 6, so 1 Bread = 2
So eq 1, we get,
Boy(with 3bread+tea) = 25
So Boy = 9, Tea = 10 and 1 Bread = 2
Now solving for the answer,
4 Bread + Boy with tea x Tea =
4(2) + 19 x 10 = 8 + 190 = 198 (using bodmas)
So the answer is 198